Our Quality Pledge

Our Quality Pledge is based on our 2018-2019 Quality Improvement Plan, which lays out the organization’s priorities, goals and targets for improving quality of care, enhancing the culture of safety and providing the best possible experience for patients, clients, residents and families over the coming year.

Transitions in care

We pledge to improve our discharge teaching, planning, and preparation so that patients will know what to do if they’re worried about their condition or treatment after they leave the hospital.

Emergency department patient experience

We pledge to increase the number of patients who would recommend the emergency department by improving communication and by providing better pain management and teaching about medication side effects.

Nursing home resident & family experience

We pledge to increase the number of residents and family members who would recommend the Grove Nursing Home by increasing resident participation in recreation activities, decreasing noise levels, decreasing odours and improving communication about doctor’s care.

Safe patient handling

We pledge to provide the information, training, tools, and equipment necessary to ensure safe patient handling, and to reduce the number of employee sprains and strains.

Employee engagement

We pledge to enhance staff recognition, recruitment and retention opportunities to ensure that our employees are committed to our organizational goals and to providing the best experience and care for patients, residents, clients, families and our community.

Workplace violence prevention

We pledge to make workplace violence prevention a priority by training our staff to effectively deal with patient and resident reactive behaviors and dementia and by making improvements in our reporting mechanisms.

Facility renewal

We pledge to continue to improve and renew our buildings and structures so that we offer appropriate settings for high-quality health care.

Information management

We pledge to continue to improve our ability to manage your health information, including the transfer of information internally, regionally and provincially.