Public Reporting
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
Our Board of Directors has defined quality as “Doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, for the right person – and having the best possible results.” Our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is a full strategic plan that applies to the health services offered to the region’s constituents. The plan is based on the principles of the vision and mission of the corporation. The strategic priorities of the organization are centered around the five pillars of Person-Centred Care, Our People, Our infrastructure, Our Partners, and Financial Stewardship. These strategic priorities have been identified by the Board of Directors and incorporated into the Quality Improvement Plan. Each day, as we live our values of Honesty, Accountability, Empathy, Respect and Teamwork, we work to improve the experience for our patients, residents, and clients.
Quality Improvemnt Plan ARH 2024-25
For the Grove Home: Continuous Quality Improvement Interim Report 2023
The Grove LTC Quality Indicators 2023_2024 – FFC
Infection Prevention & Control
ARH is committed to providing the best possible care to our patients, residents and clients. Public reporting of hospital acquired infection (HAI) rates is one of our many efforts to ensure the care provided to our patients is even safer, and improves over time.
We strongly support the provincial government’s public reporting as it inspires improved performance, enhance patient safety, and strengthen the public’s confidence in Ontario’s hospitals. Reporting our HAI rates establishes a baseline and allows us to track our rates over time. If our rates rise beyond our baseline, we look internally at our hospital’s processes, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies to reduce the incidence of HAIs in our organization.
Public reporting of rates shouldn’t be used to compare one organization against another, as we are not all the same. Some hospitals may experience higher HAI rates due to their type (i.e. acute care), size (small) and/or their patient population (i.e. elderly).
ARH takes your care and your safety very seriously, and we are committed to transparency. We will publicly report monthly HAI Clostridium difficile rates and quarterly Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia and Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus bacteremia rates, both on our website, and at the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website.
- Hand washing rates before patient contact: 92.2% of opportunities where providers should and did wash their hands
- Hand washing rates after patient contact: 96.5% of opportunities where providers should and did wash their hands
- C. difficile infections in hospital patients: 0.31 per 1,000 inpatient days (January 1 to March 31, 2018)
If you have any questions about the information or about our hospital’s infection prevention and control program, please contact: Raeline McGrath, VP Patient and Resident Services at 613-623-3166 ext. 237 or [email protected]
Accessibility Policies and Plan
Accessibility Policies and Multi-Year Plan
Accessibility Plan Update 2021
Annual Reports & Audited Financial Statements
2023-24 Annual Report to the Community
2023-24 Audited Financial Statements
2022-23 Annual Report to the Community
2022-23 Audited Financial Statements
2021-22 Annual Report to the Community
2021-2022 Audited Financial Statements
2020-21 Annual Report to the Community
2020-2021 Audited Financial Statements
2019-20 Annual Report to the Community
2019-2020 Audited Financial Statements
Accountability Agreements
These agreements between the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) and ARH reflect and support the commitment of the LHIN and ARH to, separately, jointly, and in cooperation with other stakeholders, work diligently and collaboratively toward the achievement of the purpose of the Local Health System Integration Act, namely “to provide for an integrated health system to improve the health of Ontarians through better access to high-quality health services, co-ordinated health care in local health systems and across the province and effective and efficient management of the health system at the local level by local health integration networks”.
Hospital Service Accountability Agreement
Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement
Long-Term Care Home Service Accountability Agreement